With spring and Mother’s Day right around the corner, why not hit two birds with one stone, and give your mom a gardening kit for the holiday? By determining the best flowers to plant in the spring and discovering your mother’s floral preferences, you can create the perfect arrangement of seeds and starters to be planted! It’s a gift that will last a whole season in the ground and forever in your mom’s memories.

Even if you won’t be able to join her this holiday season, there are many floral delivery services that can assist you! Your local florist, Conroy's Flowers Beverly Hills has beautiful flower arrangements and designs to choose from here in Los Angeles, CA. Plus, if you get your own starter kit, you can join each other in planting via Zoom.
The question is, what will your mom want to see every day and feel inspired to nurture? Whether your mom is a beginning gardener or an expert, an herb enthusiast, or just appreciates the aesthetic, there are many varieties of flowers that can contribute to her happiness this Mother’s Day.
Beginner Gardeners, With Ease
Not all moms were raised with the gift of a green thumb, but it’s never too late to get your mother inspired to learn and discover for herself the mental and physical benefits of gardening, seeing a seed from beginning to end. Packages are designed and recommended for those who are just starting off with their flower garden, and here’s what to include.
First, you will need to get clear on what gardening zone your mother lives in, so you pick flowers that will thrive well and empower your mom as a gardener. The zone implies the environment: temperature, weather, etc. So if your mom lives in the desert, she will likely have a different flower arrangement than someone living in the rainforest of Northwest Washington State.
You (and your mom) should also understand the difference between perennials and annuals. Annuals will grow and die within the year, and you will have to plant new seeds each year. Perennials, on the other hand, may die in the cold temperatures of the winter, but they will come back again each spring.
Annual beginner flowers include sunflowers, coneflowers (echinacea), zinnias, dianthus, marigolds, cosmos, morning glory, pansies, sweet peas, snapdragons, geraniums, lupines, begonias, dahlias, daffodils, and more!
Perennials include Roman chamomile, lavender, sage, yarrow, daylilies, peonies, and more. These are often considered easy because they require the least maintenance and are nearly impossible for your mom, or any new gardener, to kill.
Expert Gardeners, A Challenge
Encourage your mother’s growth this year with a new lesson in gardening. If your mom has been gardening with flowers for years now, she is likely to be an expert. Experts only become experts when they are challenged, so continuing to challenge your mother based on her zone will give her the empowerment and confidence with her green thumb!
She might need a proper indoor growing setup, if she doesn’t already have it, to handle real challenges! Orchids are one of the hardest plants to grow and maintain. In addition to orchids, gardenia, zebra plants, miniature roses, and azalea, to name a few. Your mother will appreciate you challenging her skills as a gardener if it’s something she loves doing and means a lot to her!
Herbal Apothecaries
A great inspiration for new and expert gardeners is to create your own herbal apothecary. Growing medicinal herbs, drying them, and turning them into teas, tinctures, salves, or some other form of medicine, is going to really inspire the holistic, or alternative-wellness, mother!
Chamomile, lavender, sage, echinacea, basil, arnica, eucalyptus, black cohosh, dandelions, yarrow, and mullen are all examples of flowers your mother might want in her herb garden! You can research the benefits of these and more to determine the best flower package for your Mother’s Day arrangement.
This garden type is especially great in small spaces, like apartments, where planting in the ground isn’t an option. These flowers do great in pots and as indoor plants. As indoor plants, these herbs have the chance to stay alive year-round, the gift that keeps on giving!
You can also gift her a drying rack, a book on how to make herbs into medicine, and/or gardening tools to make her feel complete in starting such a fulfilling project.
Give your mom more than just a gift this year! Give her creativity, inspiration, knowledge, and the ability to nurture something new. Gardening has many psychological benefits, like stress relief and a mood boost, and is a great way to stay active.